Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Scouting out the TUBS for the next Pit Bull Pow Wow

We had fun today scouting out our next meet up for the upcoming Pit Bull Pow Wow. Polly Pocket had all the Tubs to herself, taking it all in and loving it. She thinks this will be a great spot to meet some new friends and cool off during these up n coming warmer days. - We agree ;)

Check out The Tubs - it is a county park located on PA 115, about five miles southeast of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. It features a stream called Wheelbarrow Run that flows northward toward Laurel Run. For the last 400' of its course, the stream cut through the sandstone belonging to the Pocono Formation, creating a series of bowl-shaped depressions called Tubs. 

So, this looks fun . . .YES?! 
Hope a lot of you join us on these Tubs outings.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Frances Slocum & Leggio's Italian Restaurant PowWow March 18th


Outside deck - non reactive pups only

About Pit Bull PowWows

This is Molly - she needs a home available through Blue Chip Farms in Dallas

Polly Pocket & Molly both need homes

Macy <3

Polly is still waiting for her home

Polly & Vita

At Leggios for some PASTA & pit bulls!!!

Johnny Royal


Thank you all that joined us on this day!
Hope to see you all again next time.

If you would like more information on Modified k9s Pit Bull PowWow
please message modifiedk9@Hotmial.com title message Pit Bull PowWow